Igg games star wars republic commando 2
Igg games star wars republic commando 2

igg games star wars republic commando 2

Now that Star Wars: The Bad Batch has begun to explore the role that clone troopers had in the Empire's formative moments, the case to revive Imperial Commando is arguably much stronger today than it was in 2005, especially since Delta Squad's members continue to be the subject of cameos in the ongoing canon. Its existence was first confirmed in Rob Smith's Rogue Leaders: The Story of LucasArts book, which revealed that it was called Imperial Commando, and would have focused on the Empire's own commando units. It's unclear if the game would've continued Delta Squad's story from Republic Commando, but the concept of clones serving the Empire has become more pertinent in recent months. Star Wars: Republic Commando 2 was one of many planned video game sequels that was cancelled by LucasArts in the late 2000s, with other notable examples including Knights of the Old Republic III and Star Wars: Jedi Knight III - Brink of Darkness. Related: Why Games Like Star Wars: Republic Commando Deserve Full Remasters

Igg games star wars republic commando 2